So I totally thought I posted this…oops!  Better late than never, right?

Sunday 07/14/2013

1. My body carried me through a tough 10K…one in which there were hills, crazy winds and sand.  One where I managed to PR and place first in my age division.

2. The kindness of my friends and their friends.  Was blown away by how wonderful these extensions of the beautiful people in my life treated me.

3. Naps…naps are the best thing ever.

Monday: 07/15/2013

1. DOMS.  Proof I worked hard at yesterday’s race.  It was some of the most satisfying pain I have ever felt.

2. The kind words of congratulations and support from my friends regarding yesterday’s race.

3. Having an easy day at the gym.  Those days are rather pleasant.

Tuesday: 07/16/2013

1. Stellar workout during my Fit 45 class.  I was a bucket of sweat and it felt pretty great.

2. A celebratory iced latte from my friend C after Fit 45.

3. Treated my dad and I to some Viking tickets for a dad and daughter road trip to Minneapolis in October.

Wednesday: 07/17/2013

1. Had a family day off to spend it with my grandparents, taking them to doctor’s appointments.

2. Also baked my friend C’s bachelorette party cake–and no, it is not a penis cake.  It was this:


3. Got my crazy new and super expensive compression tights…but I am LOVING them. 🙂

Thursday: 07/18/2013

1. Another great Fit 45 Class.  I love the sweaty, supportive vibe of this class.

2. It is almost Friday.  Can I get a “Hell yeah?”

3. Took a night away from the gym to chillax.  Was lovely.

Friday: 07/19/2013

1. Got to celebrate my fabulous friend C.

2. Had lots of laughs with old high school friends while celebrating C.

3. Had the most flattering photo taken of me in my adult life!


Saturday: 07/20/2013

1. Enjoyed my first colour run–taking it off of my life list of fun runs to do. 🙂


2. Spent the rest of the day doing nothing but stretching, icing, sleeping and doing laundry. Was very pleasant.

3. Got my Color run clothes mostly clean–aside from my run skirt–it will be yellow for the rest of time.

Much luv,
