So…I have been up for 2.5 hours…and I have already been through a week’s worth of emotional swings.  If I didn’t know better, I would think I was preggers or something.  Before I get into my Friday w(h)ine, I am going to deliver my Friday Fab Five List to you.

1. Friends.  Have lots of them…but have them be meaningful and good people.  Before my Friday went awry with work (see below), I felt overwhelmed with the awesomeness of my friends, both far and near.

2.  The Heavy.  Love. This. Band. So. Funk. A. Lish. Us.

3. Autumn.  I am so glad that the weather is starting to change and it doesn’t feel and smell like a smelly armpit anymore in the city. 🙂

4. Fiscal responsibility.  Despite my fears and intimidation around it–I am excited as all get out to start this crazy journey to realizing some big goals like home ownership, retirement, etc.

5. Fix + by MAC Cosmetics.  It’s an amazing setting spray that you spritz on your make up and then lightly blend it with a fluffy brush into your make up (it doesn’t smudge it).  It keeps your make up in place, gets rid of a super powdery/ashy look and it makes your skin glow.  Amazeballs.

And now…to thew W(h)ine fest…

My morning started off pretty decently–I was riding the high of my several times rescheduled birthday dinner out with old friends and trip planning for my Disney World Princess Half Marathon trip (race is 167 days away!).  Then I logged into fb while getting ready and one of my Contiki (for those of you who don’t know, Contiki is a tour company for young people between the ages of 18-25 that takes you around places like Europe, Australia and even the U.S. on tour buses with a bunch of random strangers and is probably one of the best times in my life and the best way to spend a summer and $12K) friends posted about making dream boards and one of them is to have a 10 year reunion in Hawaii–so sometime in 2014.  It just brought these wonderful, nostalgic and happy feelings of friends I made on a random trip to europe who I have now had in my life for 10 years….it seriously made me feel like I had an inner light bulb that was shining so bright it would blind people.

Then I got to work. 

My boss is returning from their leave on a part time basis and I’m already feeling the stress of it and it’s reminding me why I dislike my job.  I already have 8 work trips planned between now and mid November and now it looks like there is going to be atleast two more.  It’s incredibly frustrating, too, because the goal was to travel once a month. 

Now I feel a weight the size of a Wile E. Coyote style anvil on my shoulders….this kind of schedule is exhausting and when I had a schedule that was similar to this, I was plagued with migraines and felt like death until I stopped traveling for a few weeks and my body was able to reset.  This lifestyle puts everything out of balance and it doesn’t make for the best “me.”  It makes for a sickly me and given my racing goals and the fact that I’m finally feeling pretty darn awesome about myself…it worries me to know I’m going into a situation that is likely to leave me ill.

This is the time where a good lotto win would come in handy.  And well, in the meantime, I am going to try to look at the positives–more work travel, means more reward miles for airlines, a bit of extra cash (travel stipend sort of thing) and more OT hours that I can put aside for random days off in the future.  Thank goodness for this gratitude challenge–making things like this much easier to keep in perspective…if only they made them a little less frustrating and annoying. 😉

Sorry for the Friday w(h)ine…it just totally ruined my morning bliss.

