Salut mes amis!

Sorry for the surely grammatically poor French greeting.  I just felt it was appropriate as I feel pretty darn fabulous.

The blazer that I bought from J. Crew in September can now be buttoned up comfortably without having to suck in my tummy!


Yay for fitness and more or less balanced eating.  🙂

I’m also happy because I managed a double workout last night of running (speed work) and cross fit.  I thought I was going to die at cross fit–the workouts are getting really focused on conditioning and my anaerobic fitness, which plays a big role in cross fit, is HORRIBLE.

I also got myself a new speed skipping rope.  The box had brought in a stash and I bought one for $20.  I can’t wait to start practicing my double unders!

I’m also thrilled about the election results and my upcoming road trip to the U.S. for Bruce Springsteen, shopping, Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, Vikings Football and some delicious food at some of my favourite Twin Cities restaurants.  I have only two work days left til I leave and I couldn’t be more excited.

Gosh…I need to stop blabbing and gushing.  Must finish all my work so that I can actually go on this crazy trip.

Much luv,
