Archives for posts with tag: Health

I’m not entirely sure how this is possible, but I feel equally great and sorta like I was dragged through a keyhole backwards.

I sorta squeezed my butt into white jeans I haven’t worn in a year.  I say sorta squeezed as they give me a teensy bit of muffin top that nobody appears to notice but me.   I think it’s because these jeans are boot cut and long (I can only wear heels if  I am wearing them) and it makes my legs look like fairytale styled bean stalks.

Guinness Floats

Guinness Floats

It is also a beautiful, warm day in Winnipeg…and I had a pretty awesome day yesterday, with my double workouts Guinness Floats and hanging/working out with my buddy O!

Today I’m going to see a concert with my dad as part of the Winnipeg Jazz Fest.  An artist named Bettye Lavette is playing tonight.    Tomorrow we will go to see another Jazz Fest show, this one featuring Preservation Hall.  I have never seen either, but they have excellent reputations, so I have high hopes.

Also,  speaking of music, one of my favourite Canadian artists, Tom Wilson, aka Lee Harvey Osmond (he’s the guy who wrote/sang a song called Shine, a song made famous by 90s TV show, Party of Five) , is playing a small venue in Winnipeg in October.  I just found out and bought tickets for my dad and brother–So. Flipping. Excited.

On that note, I bid you adieu.  My five hours of sleep mean it’s time for one thing –COFFEE!

Much luv,


Here’s my list of happy/thankful/awesome things from the last week.  🙂  Enjoy!

Sunday: 05/26/2013

1. I slept for almost 10 hours!

2. Finished all but one load of laundry.

3. Had a shitty run, but it’s ok because I’m 99% sure that it was a result of beer imbibed and the awesome shoes worn the night before.

Monday: 05/27/2013

1. Tea.  It was FREEZING in my office today and so I drank tea to stay warm.  So glad for my secret stash in my desk drawer.

2.  Flats.  My calf has been on the verge of seizing since my high-heeled Saturday night.  So glad to have flats on now so I don’t further aggravate it.

3. Low key, easy workout.  Love those on the right day!

Tuesday: 05/28/2013

1. I learned that broccoli before a run doesn’t agree with me.

2.  I managed to clock in 5 sub 9 minute miles on my run, despite having a brick of broccoli in my belly, weighing me down.

3. I did a full on runner’s ab workout, plus my stretching, foam rolling and physio exercises.  I’m on fire!

Wednesday: 05/29/2013

1. Went for a swim with my friend Amanda–got in over 1.1 kms.

2. Put a coconut oil mask on my hair to protect it from the chlorine and my hair feels amazing.

3. Survived the entire day at work with no sleep, thanks to my stupid car.

Thursday: 05/30/2013

1. Delicious and fun night at the Winnipeg Art Gallery with my pal, L.

2. Worked through lunch so I could leave early and get in a quick run, pre-art gallery event.

3.  My migraine meds worked–apparently Rieslings do not agree with me.

Friday: 05/31/2013

1.  It’s Friday.  Such a long flipping week–so glad it’s finally over.

2. Girls night with my friend L to celebrate  her birthday.  Watched Great Gatsby…er..well drooled over the clothes, jewels and Leo in the Great Gatsby.

3. Managed a quick parlour trip for hipster coffee…such a wonderful, rainy Friday treat. 🙂

Saturday: 06/01/2013

1. My cookie experiment worked.  Read about it on the running blog my friend L from Calgary and I started.

2. Ran a 10K that was at best chaotic.  You can also read about that on my new running blog.

3. Had a lovely, post race brunch with my adopt-a-mom/old work colleague.

Hope you had a great week, too! 🙂
